Saturday, November 19, 2005

Party Bite

When I was coming out of Sainsbury's today I saw a large banner advertising their 'party bites'. I suppose it is just a phrase they are using to cover finger food, which might otherwise be called 'nibbles'. Why do they bother? Didn't Shakespeare himself write in one of his sonnets "a vol-au-vent by any other name would still taste as nasty."?

In spite of myself I still thought that 'Party Bites' had a ring to it and would be a great name for a band. For me the word party still brings to mind scenes or drunken debauchery rather than people in suits or 'smart casual' standing around and having polite conversation while a stereo plays Joss Stone quietly in the background. So when it is combined with the word bite it gives me a mental image similar to the one above.

In fact I reckon there is a good case for the phrase 'party bite' joining the dictionary alongside 'hickey' and 'lovebite' as a term for a spot of intimate consensual bruising.

I think Party Bite would be something upbeat but not necessarily lightweight pop. It could be an Arctic Monkeys-type band, or something like that.


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