
It sounds a bit rude, like an uncharitable nickname for a middle-aged slapper, but I actually came across this word as the name of a type of beer on a list of the 100 best beers in the world, along with such tasty-sounding brews as Dragonslayer, Thumbsucker and Fourth Dementia. All of which would make (or have made) great names for bands, but Leatherlips IPA, although falling just outside the top 100, was the name which did it for me.
The beer is brewed by The Tap/Haverhill Brewery Inc in Massachusetts, and comes highly recommended by such critics on the Beer Advocate website as OldFrothingSlosh, 36PoundLoveChild, Whatalesyou and Feloniousmonk. (Now there's a name for a band!)
Aside from being the product of a microbrewery, Leatherlips is also the name of an Indian Chief - Sha-Te-Yah-Ron-Ya (or Sou-Cha-Et-Ess?) of the Wyandotte tribe. Apparently he was called Leatherlips after his reputation for always keeping his promises. He is now best known for supposedly placing a curse from beyond the grave on the US Golf Championships whenever they are played in Ohio - the golf course being built on the site of a Wyandotte burial ground.
Leatherlips would be a slighly scary band, in a Marilyn Manson kind of way I think.
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