Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Flying Mobulas

The Mobula Mobular, less formally known as the Devil Fish, is part of the Eagle and Manta Rays family of fish. Manta rays are better known but devil fish have a much cooler common name and official name.

Thanks to Pootergeek I found this page from photographer Michael Albert. Its an interesting story with some brilliant photos. Personally I did not know that rays could jump, let alone jump two metres out of the water. (Gonna need a bigger boat!)

See! The internet is good for more than just porn and gambling, there's educational stuff out there too.

While Devil Fish would undoubtably make a good name for a band, it was the title of this story which grabbed my attention - The flying Mobulas of the Sea of Cortez. What a great name for a band!

The whole title would be a bit unwieldy for all but the most defiantly uncommercial, so The Flying Mobulas would be the name used by a good-time, rowdy rock band with tinges of reggae, latino and arabic influences - a British version of Manu Chao's Radio Bemba Sound System is what I have in mind.


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