
Birdstrike is the term for when a bird hits an aeroplane, although given the relative speeds its usually the other way round. The birds don't usually (ever?) survive such collisions, but the planes don't escape unscathed either.
Apparently birdstrike results in $600 million of damage each year just to US civil and military aviation! This, along with more information you could ever want about birdstrike can be found at
As someone who lives a few miles from one of the busiest airports in the world, and who used to sit on the airport's consultative committee I am reasonably well aware of the problem, so its no surprise that the word came out in a conversation the other day. And as soon as I had said the word I though... what a great name for a band!
Its a violent phenomenon so Birdstrike are not going to be a laid-back, lounge or trance band. They are going to have guitars turned up to eleven and play stuff fast. They won't be a heavy metal band though, otherwise they would be called Birdstryke, Birdstreich, or Bïrdstrïke.
well.. we didn't know about this website untill a year after we named our band Birdstrike. but check us out.. we sound a bit like your description... hehe...
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