Monday, October 24, 2005

Permanent Way

Most normal people would call those things trains run on as railway tracks. Maybe railroad tracks if we were American. Rails at a pinch. But people wo work on the railways take great pleasure in referring to the railway tracks as The Permanent Way, frequently abbreviated to P-Way.

The term was used by the playwright David Hare for his play about railway privatisation. (Boy meets girl, boy privatises girl, girl makes millions of pounds profit but kills 30 passengers when a signal fails. I am guessing here as I didn't see it.)

While this sounds like a great name for a band, it also sounds like it could be some sort of new age religious cult. ("The permanent way to enlightenment! You give us all your worldly goods and we will give you peace of mind and a happy afterlife.")

The name has such an affirmative ring to it that The Permanent Way could be one of those Christian rock groups.


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