Monday, August 01, 2005


A googlewhack is when you type two words into Google and it comes back with only one hit. Dave Gorman got a live show, book and DVD out of it a while back.

While 'Googlewhack' itself would make a pretty good name for a band, its so obvious that someone has probably already done it. On the other hand, some of those already found (listed on the Whack Stack) would make great names for a band.

But just going there and finding a whole list of names like Grampa Buppie, Lowbrow Laughlines, Schlub Purslane, Vampirical Medics, Scallywags Jetpack, Flickable Centerfolds, Schoolchilds Whimper, Sidley Retinues or Nomadic Saucepots would be cheating wouldn't it?

So I won't do it. I like to record stuff I just happen across rather than go out looking for interesting words and phrases.

Shame, because Schlub Purslane has a nice ring to it... sounds like a folky act with a side-order of attitude.


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